Monday, March 4, 2013

March 4, 2013 StudentNews

Major Declaration Day
Thursday, March 21
Please be aware of any anonymous “job opportunity” emails that come to you. There are numerous spammers and illegal operations that lure college students with offers of great, home-based employment.  These are usually not credible or legal.  Be careful.

Jobs and internships posted by the Career Center can be found on College Central Network at under Jobs Posted to My School. Also, jobs advertised by the Career Center via email have “Career Center:” in the subject line.

Millsaps College Circle K
Received the following awards at District Convention for 2012-2013. Congratulations!!!

- Outstanding  Club Secretary Award - LeAnn Williams
- 2012-2013 Outstanding Board Member - Michael Abramovich
- Outstanding District Service Initiative Project Award - Millsaps College Circle K
- The Goal Reacher Award - Millsaps College Circle K
- The Club Achievement Award (Bronze Division) - Millsaps College Circle K
- Outstanding Kiwanian Award - David Byrd - President of North Jackson/Madision Kiwanis (Our Kiwanis Club President)

Apply for the Student Council for College Advancement!
Membership in SCCA will give you the opportunity to plan events for the current and former Millsaps students. Involvement with SCCA is a great way to serve Millsaps and network with influential alumni!
To join, return the attached application electronically to Katy Morgan (
Arts and Lecture Series
Millsaps Arts and Lecture Series will feature Gene Dattel, author of Cotton and Race in the Making of America, at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 5, in the Ford Academic Complex Recital Hall on the Millsaps campus.

This lecture is the annual Ross Moore History Lecture named in honor of longtime Millsaps history professor, Dr. Ross Moore.  It is cosponsored by the Millsaps Student Body Association.

Dattel will discuss cotton and race: what Mississippians need to know about American history.  He brings the relationship of cotton and race out of the regional shadows into the forefront of American history and casts light upon today’s economic and racial issues and policies.

Tickets are $10 and $5 for students with IDs and free to Millsaps faculty, staff and students.  To order tickets, go to www. or call the Millsaps Continuing Education Office at 601-974-1130.

The Don Fortenberry Award is presented each year to a graduating student from any undergraduate academic division of the College who is considered to have performed the most notable, meritorious, diligent and devoted service to Millsaps College with no expectation of recognition, reward, or public remembrance.

The Fortenberry Award pays tribute to the inestimable contributions of the former College Chaplain, the Reverend Don Fortenberry, who gave selflessly to the Millsaps community and to the enhancement of student character through more than three decades of servant-leadership. The Fortenberry Award is the highest student honor bestowed by the College for contributions outside the classroom.
Criteria to be considered, but not inclusive of all areas considered, include:  excellence in scholarship, superior leadership, significant or lasting contributions, commitment to a mission for community service, embrace of human diversity and difference, and involvement in campus life.  A nominee need not demonstrate superior performance in ALL of the aforementioned categories to merit application submission.
You are invited to submit a letter of nomination for this accolade to the Division of Student Life, Boyd Campbell Center 3rd Floor Office, by our deadline date of Friday, March 29, 2013, 4:30 p.m.
If you encounter questions or concerns, please direct them to Brit Katz at 974-1206 or at
2013 Rev. Ed King Leader of Values and Ethics
(L.O.V.E.) Award.

Rev. King, College Class of 1958, is cited as one of the most influential of Mississippi civil rights leaders.  For many members of the College community, he remains a role model for moral leadership.

The award is bestowed to the student leader who best exemplifies principled leadership for a cause of deep moral consequence that may meet with opposition but proves over time to be true.

To nominate a student leader who best fits these criteria, please submit the name of the individual; and, submit a corresponding letter (and, if available, support materials) regarding how the individual fits the criteria for the honor.

Nominations due by Monday, March 25, 2013, 4:30 p.m. 
If one is determined then (s)he will be presented at the Student Life Awards Celebration in April 2013. Nominations, letters, and support materials may be returned to Mr. Matt Binion, Student Life Offices, 3rd floor of the Campbell College Center. Electronic submissions are also welcomed.

All announcements must be sent to no later than 5:00pm the day before a Student News is scheduled to run. See Submission Guidelines on second page of blog. Questions or comments? Email